Amatørradio podcasts
Her finner du et lite utvalg av engelskspråkelige amatørradio podcasts, med nyheter og annet interessant og lærerikt innhold. Alle podcastene vil til enhver tid være oppdatert, slik at du alltid får servert de nyeste sendingene. Alle podcastene er delt med tillatelse fra kilden.
Amateur Radio Newsline Report
Amateur Radio Newsline™ is a free service to the amateur radio community. We produce a weekly audio news bulletin called a “QST” or “bulletin of interest to radio amateurs” that is delivered by a downloadable MP3 audio file from our website or through a podcast subscription
Episode 2384 - 07.07.23For fullt arkiv og tidligere sendinger, besøk podcastens nettside.
Ham Radio Workbench
This Ham Radio podcast deep dives on making, DIY, electronics, and technical topics of interest to the amateur radio operator. Your hosts George KJ6VU and Jeremy KF7IJZ discuss current developments in ham radio while introducing listeners to a plethora of topics and skills such as test equipment, 3D Printing, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and more.
Episode "Field Day Debrief" - 11.07.23For fullt arkiv og tidligere sendinger, besøk podcastens nettside.
100 Watts and a Wire
This show features topical conversation, interviews and news. Join Christian, K0STH at the intersection of life and amateur radio and follow a journey of discovery through this important pubic service and hobby.
Episode 410 "The Boys Are Back: Catching Up on Life and Amateur Radio" - 09.07.23For fullt arkiv og tidligere sendinger, besøk podcastens nettside.
ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast
The ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast is a free fortnightly radio talk style podcast for amateur / ham radio operators by amateur / ham radio operators. Each episode we review the current news, discuss a technical feature and the hobby in general, and hear from our many listeners from around the world.
Episode 407 - "Ham Radio 2023 Round-Up" - 02.07.23For fullt arkiv og tidligere sendinger, besøk podcastens nettside.
QSO Today Podcast
A "QSO" is a conversation between amateur radio operators, or "Hams". Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, interviews a new guest every week on the subject of amateur radio, their history, and the specific areas of technical and operating interest in amateur radio or ham radio. These interviews also serve as an oral history of amateur radio since WW2.
Episode 458 "Ulrich Rohde N1UL" - 07.07.23For fullt arkiv og tidligere sendinger, besøk podcastens nettside.
ARRL Audio News
ARRL Audio News is a summary of the week’s top news stories in the world of Amateur Radio, along with interviews and other features. By ARRL - the national association for Amateur Radio.
07.07.23For fullt arkiv og tidligere sendinger, besøk podcastens nettside.